70s Commercials: United Airlines, Gaines Burgers, Wilson Tennis, Miller Lite (1977-78)

We’re hanging out in 1977 and ’78 for today’s batch of commercials. Take in spots for United Airlines, Gaines Burgers dog food with James Beard, the Wilson Extra tennis racquet, and Miller Lite with Billy Martin and George Steinbrenner. Have … Continue reading

70s Commercials (Buried Treasures): Fab, Schlitz, Polaroid, United Airlines (1971-76)

*Time for more “Buried Treasure” commercials that appeared on the Bionic Disco YouTube channel but not here on the website.* From 1971, we have spots for Fab “Lemon Freshened” detergent and Schlitz beer. From 1976, it’s the Polaroid SX-70 camera … Continue reading

70s Commercials: ‘Bad News Bears,’ Chex Mix, Samsonite, United Airlines (1976)

Alrighty, it’s time for a little 1976. As per usual, I have four vintage commercials lined up for you. First, a rare curiosity. Two cast members from The Bad News Bears in a spot for Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & … Continue reading

70s Commercials (Buried Treasures): Janitor In A Drum, United Airlines, Ford (1974-78)

Here’s a batch of seventies commercials that appeared on the ol’ YouTube channel when the website was on hiatus. From 1974, we have Janitor in a Drum (how do they fit them in there?), United Airlines, and Ford’s 1975 line-up. … Continue reading

70s Spots -Celebrity Time: Teri Garr, Joe DiMaggio, Charles Durning, Chuck McCann (1974)

There’s a special celebrity surprise in each seventies commercial today. All of the spots aired in 1974 and you’ll find Teri Garr, Joe DiMaggio, Charles Durning, and Chuck McCann. Prepare to be amazed and whatnot. United Airlines Commercial (Teri Garr, … Continue reading

70s Spots: United Airlines To Hawaii & Trailways Bus (1978)

“Come walk across my volcanoes.” Happy Monday, fellow nostalgia trip’ers. Traveling is our theme today and to start off we have a commercial for United Airline’s service to Hawaii from December of 1978. Mentally, I must still be a teenager … Continue reading