60s Commercials: Fruit Stripe Gum, Kodak, Rexall, Hunt’s Catsup, ‘Here’s Lucy,’ Cap’n Crunch, Bali Hai, All Detergent (1968-69)

“Yipes! Stripes!” It’s Sixties Week here at the ‘Disco, and I’ve got a hearty batch of commercials from 1968 and ’69 for you. Our star is a wonderful animated spot for Beech-Nut Gum featuring the voices of John Fiedler and … Continue reading

70s Spots: Swiss Colony Chianti (1970) & Champale Malt Liquor (1971)

“Pass it around.” Let’s go with a drinking theme today. First, a commercial for Italian Swiss Colony Chianti featuring a posse of boozing friends on the beach. The spot aired in September of 1970. Wine and cheesy! After that, a … Continue reading

Saturday 70s Spots: Gatorade & Swiss Colony Wine (1975)

“You should have seen this terrace when I was a bachelor. Every night, girls in satin pant-suits, see-through blouses, and lots of imported wine.” I hope everyone has recovered from their holiday feasting. As you kick back relaxing and reminiscing, … Continue reading