70s Commercials: Canada Dry, Armour Bacon, Anacin, Ford LTD (1971-72)

We’re sticking with the early seventies thing today and presenting a fine set of commercials from 1971 and ’72. Firstly, it’s Jackie Earl Haley knocking back a Canada Dry Concord Grape soda. Following that, dive into spots for Armour Bacon, … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Colgate, Chrysler LeBaron,’Coke Adds Life!,’ Pepto-Bismol (1977-78)

Happy Friday, friends. Today, we’re cranking it back to 1977 and ’78 with commercials for Colgate toothpaste, Chrysler LeBaron, Coca-Cola, and Pepto-Bismol. Have a grand weekend and I’ll see you back here on Monday. COLGATE TOOTHPASTE JINGLE COMMERCIAL (1978) Colgate … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Kellogg’s, G.I. Joe, Tab Cola, Wurlitzer (1972)

The theme for the day is 1972 and I have four vintage commercials for you. Fire up the projector and welcome Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, the G.I. Joe Mobile Support Vehicle, Tab Cola, and the Wurlitzer Funmaker Organ. KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES … Continue reading

70s Spots (Holidays): Pepsi, ‘Little House,’ DeBeers, Sears (1978-79)

“Try not to open before Christmas…” A very merry Christmas to everyone celebrating the day! Here’s another batch of holiday-themed commercials. These originally aired in 1978 and ’79. Keep warm and cozy and enjoy! Pepsi ‘Disney Christmas’ Commercial (1979) Pepsi … Continue reading

70s Spots: Big Red Gum & Oh Henry! (1975), Gatorade & Sucrets (1974)

“A big, strong flavor!” Hello and happy November. Here’s a new batch of old spots for your edification. We’ve got a cigarette-style Big Red chewing gum commercial and an Oh Henry! candy bar spot from 1975. The Oh Henry! ad … Continue reading

70s Spots: ‘Brady Bunch Variety Hour,’ ‘Starsky & Hutch,’ Canada Dry & Coca-Cola (1976-77)

“America’s favorite family!” Hey, all! Here are the latest vintage commercials for your mid-week pleasure. ‘Brady Bunch Variety Hour’/’Six Million Dollar Man’ Promo (1976) ‘Brady Bunch Variety Hour’/’Six Million Dollar Man’ Promo aired November 1976. ‘Starsky & Hutch’/’Most Wanted’ Promo … Continue reading