70s Commercials: Kraft Fudgies, Hefty, Betty Crocker, Scope (1970-71)

Hey there! Apologies for the lack of updates. My home has been a construction site over the past few weeks and our 100-year-old electrical system had to be completely redone. That has been fixed and mostly finished, so I’m back … Continue reading

70s Commercials: ‘Charlie’s Angels’ Toys, Lionel Trains (Johnny Cash), Scope, American-Standard (1977)

Coming in a little later than usual, we’ve got four vintage commercials from 1977. First up, it’s Charlie’s Angels Underwater Intrigue toy set. Following that magic, you’ll find spots for Lionel Trains & Truckin’ (with Johnny Cash), Scope mouthwash, and … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Lifebuoy Soap, Scope, Wish-Bone Rosé, General Motors (1971)

It’s 1971 today and I’ve got a fresh batch of 50-year-old commercials for you. First, it’s a nice quality, somewhat funny spot for Lifebuoy Soap. Following that, you can enjoy ads for Scope mouthwash, Wish-Bone Italian Rosé salad dressing (with … Continue reading