70s Commercials: Sears Snow Tires, Tyco Trains, United Airlines, Intimate Fragrance, Jonathan Winters, VW, Midland CB, Palmolive (1973-76)

“Give me the good Superior stuff, sonny!” I’m behind on the ol’ weekend posting here, so this one will be an Extra-Large Economy Size version. The vintage commercials below originally ran on American TV screens between 1973 and 1976. First … Continue reading

70s spots: Gillette Foamy & Palmolive Rapid Shave Creams (1971)

“Be an old smoothie!” Two shaving cream spots steaming up the bathroom mirror today. First, an October 1971 commercial for Gillette Foamy featuring singing cans. The actor is one we’ve seen before, for example, in this spot for Holiday Inn, … Continue reading

70s Spots: Palmolive Rapid Shave (Chuck McCann, 1970)

“You won’t want to shave it off.” Here’s a pair of silly but lovable Palmolive Rapid Shave spots from April of 1970. Actor Chuck McCann (from Far Out Space Nuts and…a million other shows) appears as a traffic cop in … Continue reading