70s Commercials: Avon, Ford Motorcraft, Ben-Gay, Dole Pineapple (1976-79)

“You’ve never looked so good!” Let us now slide into a quartet of vintage commercials with air dates from 1976 to 1979. We’ll start off with a famous Avon song and move on to spots for Ford Motorcraft parts (starring … Continue reading

70s Spots: Muhammad Ali & Farrah Fawcett For Mercury (1974)

“We think it’s The Greatest.” Another double-header today (the awesome spots are piling up high at ‘Disco HQ). First up, Lincoln-Mercury broke the bank and grabbed Muhammad Ali for a ’75 Monarch spot. After that, it’s a pre-Charlie’s Angels Farrah … Continue reading

TV Time: Captain & Tennille ABC Promo

Husband and wife musical duo, Captain & Tennille, had a slew of hit records in the 1970s including “Love Will Keep Us Together” (US, #1) and “Muskrat Love” (US #4.) From September, 1976 through March of 1977 the Captain (Daryl … Continue reading