70s Commercials: Canada Dry, Rolaids, ‘New Year’s Rockin’ Eve,’ André Champagne (End Of Year 1972-79)

The last post of the year brings a batch of New Year’s Eve-related commercials – and a Rolaids spot to help you through tomorrow’s post-celebration stomach ache. First up, a Canada Dry mixers spot from 1972. Following that, it’s Rolaids, … Continue reading

70s Spots: ‘Happy Days’/’Laverne & Shirley’ ABC Promos (1978)

“Laverne & Shirley teach a slow learner some fast moves.” Tune in for a pair of ABC promos from the fall of 1978. Catch a spot from August ’78 for the Tuesday night line-up of; Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, … Continue reading

Daily 70s Spot #393: ABC TV Stars ‘Still The One’ Promo (1979)

“Still the one – ABC!” We’ll go for a late 1979 theme this week and capture the tail-end of the Seventies. This promo for ABC aired in December of ’79 and is packed with series superstars riding hot air balloons. … Continue reading

Daily 70s Spot: Don Adams & Penny Marshall for Hertz Rent-a-Car (1971)

Here’s a nifty spot with an unexpected pairing of celebrities. Don Adams (Get Smart) and Penny Marshall (Laverne & Shirley) for Hertz Rent-a-Car. Adams was already well-known to TV viewers but Marshall was still in the process of becoming popular. … Continue reading

Mood Music: Lenny and the Squigtones, ‘StarCrossed’

According to my once-young mind, many of the best moments on TV’s Laverne & Shirley (1976-1983) involved the lovable morons known as Lenny and Squiggy. The characters were created and perfectly played by Michael McKean and David Lander. You probably … Continue reading

People Magazine Jan 30, 1978: Lenny & Squiggy

People Magazine began publication in March 1974 and is still going strong today. The weekly magazine is a wonderful resource for 70s pop culture and we’ll peek inside various issues from time to time here at Bionic Disco. Today, let’s … Continue reading