70s Commercials: Wurlitzer Organ, Imperial Margarine, Hormel Ham, Prolong (1972-73)

“It may just change your mind!” Greetings, New Yearians! Our first batch of commercials for 2025 features the years 1972 and ’73. First up, a groovy spot for Wurlitzer’s Orbit III Spinet Organ and Electric Synthesizer. I never had one … Continue reading

70s Commercials (Thanksgiving): Kraft Cream Cheese Treats, Armour Turkey, Hormel Ham, Reynolds Wrap (1971-78)

“A few ideas for the holiday season ahead.” A very good Thanksgiving holiday to you all. I hope your day will be relaxing and filled with good cheer. Let’s celebrate the season with some fall-based vintage commercials spanning a wide … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Pernell Roberts For Horizon Coffee, Purina Cat Chow, Sardo, Hormel Ham (1974-75)

This round of golden olden commercials appeared in the mid-seventies. We’ll start off with Pernell Roberts playing Simon Stone in one of his spokes spots for Horizon Coffee. Following that little slice of advertising heaven, let’s enjoy commercials for Purina … Continue reading

70s Spots: Prell, Charmin, Hormel & Sony

A number of future sitcom celebrities can be found in today’s batch of ancient commercials. You can spy Charlotte Rae and Sorrell Booke in a Charmin spot and Pam Dawber in one for Prell shampoo. You’ll also enjoy spots for … Continue reading