70s Commercials: Safeguard Soap, Rolaids, Harveys Bristol Cream, ‘Marcus Welby’ (1970-71)

“The perfect family soap.” Rolling back to early in the decade – we’ve find four fresh spots. First up, it’s Franklin Cover, later of The Jeffersons, for Safeguard Soap. Following that, you’ll spy ancient-but-lovely ads for Rolaids, Harveys Bristol Cream … Continue reading

70s Spots: Lancers Wine (Franklin Cover, 1970) & Gallo Wine (Peter Ustinov, 1974)

“For the good life.” Let’s tip back a few with commercials for Lancers and Gallo wine. The first glass features Franklin Cover (The Jeffersons) for Lancers and aired in September of 1970. The second glass stars Peter Ustinov (Logan’s Run) … Continue reading

Saturday 70s Spots: Xerox Meets ‘The Jeffersons’ (1975)

“You can count on it for making copies…if not commercials.” Today, we’ve got a pair of Xerox commercials that aired in January of 1975 and were produced a bit earlier in 1974. The first spot stars Franklin Cover, who later … Continue reading