70s Commercials: Uncle Ben’s, Parkay, Alka-Seltzer, Romilar III (1971-72)

“Perfect rice in 5 minutes.” Let’s get into an early Seventies frame-of-mind with a celebrity-filled set of commercials from 1971 and ’72. Firstly, a spot for Uncle Ben’s Rice (with Ed McMahon). Following that gem, we have ads for Parkay … Continue reading

70s Holiday Commercials: Hickory Farms, Butterball, Super Shooter, Kraft Christmas (1973-79)

“This Christmas, make ’em smile!” Merry Seventies Christmas! I hope your celebrations have been warm and enjoyable. Let’s finish off the vintage holiday commercials for this year with spots for Kraft, Hickory Farms, Butterball (with James Harder, Mary Jo Catlett, … Continue reading

70s Commercials (Thanksgiving): Kraft Cream Cheese Treats, Armour Turkey, Hormel Ham, Reynolds Wrap (1971-78)

“A few ideas for the holiday season ahead.” A very good Thanksgiving holiday to you all. I hope your day will be relaxing and filled with good cheer. Let’s celebrate the season with some fall-based vintage commercials spanning a wide … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Kraft Holiday Meals, Lipton Cup-A-Soup, Armour Ham (1971-72)

I hope those of you in the US had a good Thanksgiving. I certainly did. Our vegetarian t’rkey and all the trimmings went down a treat. Speaking of treats – here’s a collection of food-related commercials as we make our … Continue reading

70s Commercials: AMC Javelin, Certs, Gulf, Kraft Caramel Cones (1970)

Alrighty! Let’s soak up four commercials from the start of the decade – 1970. Enjoy advertising time capsules for the AMC Javelin, Certs (with Retsyn!), Gulf gasoline flatware, and Kraft Caramel Cones. You remember buying silverware at the gas station, … Continue reading

70s Spots: Vicks NyQuil (Sherman Hemsley, 1972) & Big Wally (Cathryn Damon, 1974)

There’s a pair of future TV stars in today’s batch of seventies commercials. You’ll spy Sherman Hemsley from The Jeffersons in a spot for NyQuil and Cathryn Damon from Soap in one for Big Wally. You can also take in … Continue reading