70s Commercials: Sears Snow Tires, Tyco Trains, United Airlines, Intimate Fragrance, Jonathan Winters, VW, Midland CB, Palmolive (1973-76)

“Give me the good Superior stuff, sonny!” I’m behind on the ol’ weekend posting here, so this one will be an Extra-Large Economy Size version. The vintage commercials below originally ran on American TV screens between 1973 and 1976. First … Continue reading

80s Commercials: Jell-O Dream Pie, Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum, RCA, Fruit & Fibre, Polident, Ford EXP, Wonder Bread, Razzle Game (1981)

“Not cream pie…Dream Pie!” It’s EIGHTIES Week this time around and I’ve got another double-dose of vintage commercials lined up for you! In order, we have Jell-O and Dream Whip’s Dream Pie, Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum, RCA’s “Advanced Remote Control,” Fruit … Continue reading

70s Holiday Commercials: Pillsbury Sugar Cookies, Alpha Beta & Angels Xmas Trees, ‘Jack Frost’ Special (1976-79)

“Just slice, shape, and bake.” A very fine Christmas Eve, and hearty holiday greetings to all Bionic Friends! Let’s take in a batch of freshly-baked December commercials from 1976 and ’79. You’ll find vintage spots for Pillsbury Sugar Cookies, Alpha … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Fruity & Cocoa Pebbles, Zenith, Trouble, Sunbeam Tangle Free (1972-73)

“If you put sweet Pebbles in your mouth…you’ll never have rocks in your head!” More classic cereal spots on tap today. From 1973, we have a commercial for Post Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles featuring Fred Flintstone, Barney Rubble, and a … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Franco-American Rotini, Heinz Ketchup, Shout, VW Rabbit (1976)

If you joined us in recent days you may have guessed that this batch of seventies commercials is focused on 1976. We’ve got spots for Franco-American Rotini, Heinz Ketchup’s famed “Anticipation” campaign, Shout stain remover, and the Volkswagen Rabbit. Have … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Burger King, Charms Pop, Chevy Nova, Timex (1970-71)

I’ve got a fine set of early seventies spots for you today. Firstly, a humorous spot for Burger King featuring actor Dick O’Neill. Followed by commercials for Charms Big Pops (loved these and Charms Blow Pops as a kid), Chevy … Continue reading