70s Commercials: Sears Menswear, Ultra Max Shampoo, Bell Telephone, AMC Concord (1979)

“Super looks! Super value!” After last week’s look at 1978 – we move forward now into 1979. This quartet of vintage ads turns the spotlight on Sears Menswear, Ultra Max Shampoo, Bell Telephone’s custom sets (with Joe Frazier), and the … Continue reading

70s Commercials: KitKat Candy, Bell System ‘Feelings,’ Trident Mints, Pepto-Bismol (1978)

“Chocolatey, crispy, KitKat!” It’s 1978 on-tap and I’ve got four commercials from the year (or thereabouts). Firstly, it’s Phil Leeds in a spot for KitKat. Following that, you’ll find vintage views for the Bell System (“Feelings!”), Trident Mints, and Pepto-Bismol … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Bell System ‘Data-Phone,’ Flintstones Vitamins, Cascade, Taster’s Choice (1970-71)

Rewinding back to the start of the decade, we’ve got a selection of advertising memories for you. Take a loving look at commercials for Bell System’s Data-Phone, Flintstones Vitamins, Cascade, and Taster’s Choice coffee (with a somewhat rare onscreen appearance … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Honeycomb, Western Electric, Mr. Magnet Man, Colt 45 (1970)

Were lounging around in 1970 for this installment of vintage commercials. Our star attraction is a spot for Honeycomb cereal with a free metal license plate offer. Check out that cool looking biker gang. What a bunch of terrors. Following … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Ore-Ida Tater Tots, Kitten Chow, Bell System, Miller High Life (1976-77)

Commercial time! Continuing through the years, we land on 1976 and ’77. Our four vintage spots today are for Ore-Ida Tater Tots, Purina Kitten Chow, Bell System’s “Lightwave Communication,” and Miller High Life. I hope to have a relaxing weekend … Continue reading

Super 70s Ads: Bell AutoMatic TelePhone Secretary (1979)

This wild and wonderful new phone technology features a cassette tape and answers in “your own voice”! Even better, this cutting edge automatic secretary will only set you back an extra $14.40 per month on your bill. Nice. Ad appeared … Continue reading