70s Commercials: Star-Kist Tuna, Sta-Puf, Bell Yellow Pages, Ford Trucks (1976-79)

Charlie the Tuna (voiced by Herschel Bernardi) is the star of our batch of seventies commercials today. You can also view spots for Sta-Puf Blue, Bell System Yellow Pages, and Ford trucks. Enjoy the memories. STAR-KIST TUNA ‘GOOD TASTE’ COMMERCIAL … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Space Dust Candy, American Express Travelers Cheques, Crystal Vanish, Mazda 626 (1978-79)

Here’s a funky assortment of commercials from the late seventies. First, we have a spot for Space Dust candy. When you were on the ‘Dust it sizzled and crackled in your mouth. Outta sight, man. Following that, you’ll find American … Continue reading

70s Commercials (Buried Treasures): Sears Tele-Games, Homelite Chainsaw, Xerox Fax Machine, Continental Mark VI (1976-79)

*Time for more “Buried Treasure” commercials that appeared on the Bionic Disco YouTube channel but not here on the website.* Here’s a batch of 1976 commercials featuring the Sears Tele-Games console, Homelite Chainsaw, and the Xerox Fax Machine. A home … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Maniac Game, AMC Spirit, Alpha-Bits, ‘Running’ Movie (1979)

We’ve reached 1979 and the end of the decade. Don’t worry, there’s many more seventies commercials to come, but they’ll be sprinkled out in a more random fashion for a while. This year-by-year thing takes five weeks every time I … Continue reading