70s Commercials: Avon, Ford Motorcraft, Ben-Gay, Dole Pineapple (1976-79)

“You’ve never looked so good!” Let us now slide into a quartet of vintage commercials with air dates from 1976 to 1979. We’ll start off with a famous Avon song and move on to spots for Ford Motorcraft parts (starring … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Sears Menswear, Ultra Max Shampoo, Bell Telephone, AMC Concord (1979)

“Super looks! Super value!” After last week’s look at 1978 – we move forward now into 1979. This quartet of vintage ads turns the spotlight on Sears Menswear, Ultra Max Shampoo, Bell Telephone’s custom sets (with Joe Frazier), and the … Continue reading

70s Commercials: NBC ‘Proud As A Peacock,’ Stouffer’s Stuffed Peppers, United Airlines, Roman Meal (1979)

“The many faces of Drama – this Fall.” This week, I’ve got a batch of commercials from 1979 for you. You’ll finds spots for NBC (and this one is chock full o’ celebs), Stouffer’s Stuffed Green Peppers, United Airlines “Widebodies,” … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Hubba Bubba, Oscar Mayer Wieners, Maytag Repairman, AMF (1979)

“Big Bubbles. No Troubles.” Four classic commercials from 1979 are on display today. In the starting position, we have a spot for Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum (with Don Collier and Dub Taylor). Following that, there’s spots for Oscar Mayer Wieners, … Continue reading

70s Holiday Commercials: Hickory Farms, Butterball, Super Shooter, Kraft Christmas (1973-79)

“This Christmas, make ’em smile!” Merry Seventies Christmas! I hope your celebrations have been warm and enjoyable. Let’s finish off the vintage holiday commercials for this year with spots for Kraft, Hickory Farms, Butterball (with James Harder, Mary Jo Catlett, … Continue reading

70s Holiday Commercials: Pillsbury Sugar Cookies, Alpha Beta & Angels Xmas Trees, ‘Jack Frost’ Special (1976-79)

“Just slice, shape, and bake.” A very fine Christmas Eve, and hearty holiday greetings to all Bionic Friends! Let’s take in a batch of freshly-baked December commercials from 1976 and ’79. You’ll find vintage spots for Pillsbury Sugar Cookies, Alpha … Continue reading