“You’ve never looked so good!” Let us now slide into a quartet of vintage commercials with air dates from 1976 to 1979. We’ll start off with a famous Avon song and move on to spots for Ford Motorcraft parts (starring … Continue reading
Tag Archives: 1976
“Give me the good Superior stuff, sonny!” I’m behind on the ol’ weekend posting here, so this one will be an Extra-Large Economy Size version. The vintage commercials below originally ran on American TV screens between 1973 and 1976. First … Continue reading
“Rich quality protected by the can.” In this little corner of the internet it’s 1976. And it wouldn’t be 1976 without some vintage commercials featuring Chef Boyardee Spaghetti Sauce (with Gail Strickland, I believe), Autumn Margarine (featuring Lauren Tewes, John … Continue reading
“Nobody can resist Sara Lee.” I’ve got a mixed bag of vintage Seventies commercials on-tap today. We start off in 1976, with spots for Sara Lee Walnut Layer Cake (with Paul Dooley) and Calvin Klein for Wamsutta “bedclothes” (with Tammy … Continue reading
“It costs less and tastes great.” Greetings! You know what time it is? It’s time to travel into the recesses of our minds and dust off some long-forgotten Seventies advertisements. This batch of commercials appeared on TV screens in 1976. … Continue reading
“Good morning food that tastes great!” Hello, Bionic Friends. I hope your long Memorial Day Weekend has been a good one. Here’s some mid-Seventies commercials to assist with the relaxation. Firstly, we have Tony the Tiger and family in a … Continue reading