Daily 70s Ad: Weller Bourbon (1975)

(Click ad to enlarge) “Weller & Water – Wonderful.” Well, lookee there. It’s some seven-year-old, Kentucky straight Bourbon Whiskey. Yee Ha! Daily 70s Ad #43: Weller Bourbon originally appeared in the January, 1975 issue of Texas Monthly magazine. (Source: Texas … Continue reading

Daily 70s Ad: Viceroy ‘Excitement’ (1975)

(Click ad to enlarge) “He’s got a pocketful of money, a fun-loving woman, and a taste for excitement…” I was immediately struck by how awesomely 70s and anachronistic this ad now seems. Far out! Daily 70s Ad #39: Viceroy ‘Excitement’ … Continue reading

Daily 70s Ad: Seagram’s Bloody Mary Secret (1975)

(Click ad to enlarge) “For a better tasting Bloody Mary, use Seagram’s Gin instead of Vodka.” So very red. I’m sensing a theme here. Daily 70s Ad #38: Seagram’s Bloody Mary Secret originally appeared in the December 29, 1975 issue … Continue reading

Funshine Friday Holiday Special: ‘Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown’ (1975)

Happy Valentine’s Day and happy Funshine Friday! To celebrate this wonderful double holiday we’ll be floating back 39 years and basking in a few clips from Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown. Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown first aired on January … Continue reading

Daily 70s Ad: Dodge Charger ‘Special Edition’ (1975)

(Click ad to enlarge) “It’s a whole new car.” A ‘Special Edition’ Dodge in fancy golden brown for 1975. Daily 70s Ad #29: Dodge Charger ‘Special Edition’ originally appeared in the January, 1975 issue of Texas Monthly. (Source: Texas Monthly) … Continue reading