70s Spots: ‘Sha Na Na,’ ‘Bionic Woman,’ ‘Juggernaut’ Movie, & ‘Apocalypse Now’ (1974-79)

Hi, folks. In case you’ve been wondering about the lack of updates here the past week that would be due to my coming down with the flu. Or the world’s worst cold. I don’t know. I do know it’s been a doozy.

I’m starting to feel relatively human again so let’s get back on-track with this quartet of TV promos that should have posted here days ago. Please enjoy commercials for the Sha Na Na and Bionic Woman series and TV trailers for the Juggernaut and Apocalypse Now movies.

‘Juggernaut’ Movie Commercial (1974)

Juggernaut starring Richard Harris and Omar Sharif aired September 1974.

‘Bionic Woman’ TV Promo (1976)

The Bionic Woman with guests Hoyt Axton and Doc Severinsen aired October 1976.

‘Sha Na Na’ TV Series Promo (1978)

Sha Na Na with Jon “Bowzer” Bauman aired November 1978.

‘Apocalypse Now’ TV Trailer (1979)

Apocalypse Now with Martin Sheen aired October 1979.

Previously on 70s Spots: Morton Donuts, Pillsbury Cake, Wheaties, Checkerboard Entrées (1971-77)

More Apocalypse Now: Daily 70s Spot: ‘Apocalypse Now’ TV promo (1979)

70s Spots: Morton Donuts, Pillsbury Cake, Wheaties, Checkerboard Entrées (1971-77)

“Fresh when you want them fresh.”

Today’s batch of vintage commercials features a variety of edibles with spots for Checkerboard entrées, Morton frozen donuts, Wheaties cereal, and Pillsbury Plus cake. Brew up a pot of coffee and enjoy.

Checkerboard Frozen Entrées Commercial (1971)

Checkerboard frozen entrées aired August 1971.

Morton Donuts Commercial (1975)

Morton frozen donuts aired October 1975.

Wheaties Commercial (1976)

Wheaties commercial aired September 1976.

Pillsbury Plus Cake Commercial (1977)

Pillsbury Plus Yellow Cake commercial aired in 1977.

Previously on 70s Spots: Coors, Schlitz, Country Club, Miller (1970-79)

More Pillsbury: Sunday 70s Spots: Quaker Oats & Pillsbury Swirl Cake (1979)

70s Spots: Coors, Schlitz, Country Club, Miller (1970-79)

“Taste the High Country.”

Is it February already? Sheesh! Well, let’s raise a glass to it then.

Today, you’ll find beer-drinkin’ commercials for Coors, Schlitz, Country Club malt liquor, and Miller High Life. Quaff ’em with gusto.

Coors Beer Commercial (1979)

Coors beer aired November 1979.

Schlitz Beer ‘Sea Rescue’ Commercial (1974)

Schlitz beer aired November 1974.

Country Club Beer Commercial (1972)

Country Club malt liquor aired November 1972.

Miller High Life ‘Bowling’ Commercial (1970)

Miller High Life with bowler Billy Hardwick aired September 1970.

Previously on 70s Spots: Coast Soap, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Miller Beer, Polaroid (1979)

More Schlitz: Daily 70s Spot #434, 435: James Coburn For Schlitz Light (1978)

More Country Club: 70s Spots: Country Club Malt Liquor & Miller High Life (1972 & ’73)

More Miller beer: 70s Spots: Miller Lite (Rosey Grier, 1976)

70s Spots: Coast Soap, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Miller Beer, Polaroid (1979)

“The Eye-opener.”

Greetings, ‘Disco dancers. As I’ve posted a hefty selection of commercials from the early Seventies in recent weeks, I thought it would be good to jump forward to later in the decade.

With that in mind, here’s a quartet of spots from 1979 featuring Coast soap, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Miller High-Life, and the Polaroid OneStep.

Coast Soap Commercial (Nancy Dussault, 1979)

Coast soap with Nancy Dussault (Too Close for Comfort) aired September 1979.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Commercial (1979)

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) commercial aired July 1979.

Miller Beer ‘Log Rollers’ Commercial (1979)

Miller High-Life beer lumberjack log rollers commercial aired October 1979.

Polaroid ‘OneStep’ Camera Commercial (Garner & Hartley, 1979)

Polaroid OneStep camera commercial with James Garner and Mariette Hartley aired October 1979.

Previously on 70s Spots: Hertz, Mattel’s Rock Flowers, Aurora Derby, Sheraton (1970-73)

More Nancy Dussault: Show Toppers: ‘The New Dick Van Dyke Show’ (1971)

More Kentucky Fried Chicken: 70s Spots: Kentucky Fried Chicken ‘BBQ Twang’ (1976)

More Miller beer: Daily 70s Spot #427, 428: Miller High Life Beer (1977)

More Polaroid: 70s Spots: Polaroid Big Shot (1971)

70s Spots: Hertz, Mattel’s Rock Flowers, Aurora Derby, Sheraton (1970-73)

“It’s a race track in your own home. “

Here’s what we’ve uncovered for you today – a quartet of classic commercials from the years 1970 through 1973.

First up, Hertz Rent-a-Car, followed by Mattel’s Rock Flowers dolls, the Aurora Derby horse racing game, and Sheraton hotels.

Hertz Car Rental Commercial (1970)

Hertz car rental with Richard B. Shull (Holmes & Yoyo) aired November 1970.

Mattel Rock Flowers Toy Commercial (1971)

Mattel’s Rock Flowers dolls with Geri Reischl (Brady Bunch Hour) and narration by Casey Kasem aired in 1971.

Aurora Derby Toy Commercial (Don Adams, 1972)

Aurora Derby game with Don Adams (Get Smart) aired November 1972.

Sheraton Hotel ‘Beaches’ Commercial (1973)

Sheraton Hotels & Motor Inns aired September 1973.

Previously on 70s Spots: ’75 Ford Pinto, Maverick & Granada, Flair, GE (1974)

More Hertz & Don Adams: 70s Spots: Hertz Rent-A-Car (Don Adams, 1971)

More Mattel: Daily 70s Ad: Mattel – Snoopy’s ‘Snap-Tite’ Sopwith (1970)

More Sheraton: 70s Spots: Sheraton Hotels (1973)

70s Spots: ’75 Ford Pinto, Maverick & Granada, Flair, GE (1974)

“NC – no extra charge!”

On this fine day, we’ve got commercials featuring a trio of Ford vehicles for 1975 – the Maverick, Pinto, and Granada. In addition, you can take in spots for Flair pens and GE’s latest dishwasher. Go ahead and test-drive ’em.

’75 Ford Maverick & Pinto Commercial (1974)

1975 Ford Maverick & Pinto with Ron Masak aired September 1974.

‘The ’75 Ford Granadas’ Commercial (1974)

The 1975 Ford Granadas aired September 1974.

Flair ‘Super Pens’ Commercial (1974)

Flair ‘Super Pens’ with Point Guard (narration by Ken Nordine) aired September 1974.

GE Dishwasher Commercial (Kevin McCarthy, 1974)

General Electric Pot Scrubber II dishwasher with Kevin McCarthy aired September 1974.

Previously on 70s Spots: Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Hamburger Helper, Efferdent (1975-76)

More Ford: 70s Spots: ’71 Ford LTD (Rod Serling, 1970)

More Flair: 70s Spots: Flair Pens ‘Secret Agent’ (1971)

More General Electric: Daily 70s Spot: General Electric ‘Best Products’ (1975)