Daily 70s Ad: Ford Mustang ‘Golfer’ (1972)

Ford Mustang 'Golfer.' ('LIFE' magazine, Nov.10, 1972)

Ford Mustang ‘Golfer.’ (‘LIFE’ magazine, Nov.10, 1972)

(Click on ad to enlarge)

“What makes Mustang different is the way it looks, handles, and makes you feel.”

You don’t see many avocado green interiors these days. Such a shame. Daily 70s Ad #49: Ford Mustang ‘Golfer’ originally appeared in the November 10, 1972 issue of LIFE magazine.

(Source: LIFE)

Previously on Daily 70s Ad: Harley-Davidson ‘Freedom Machine’ (1973)

Funshine Friday: ‘Sigmund And The Sea Monsters’: Johnny Whitaker Sings ‘Lovin’ Ain’t Easy’ (1973)

"Lovin' ain't easy. The way that you tease me..." (Johnny Whitaker on 'Sigmund and the Sea Monsters,' 1973)

“Lovin’ ain’t easy. The way that you tease me…” (Johnny Whitaker on ‘Sigmund and the Sea Monsters,’ 1973)

Welcome to the almost weekend. Here’s Johnny Whitaker singing his boffo socko, smash hit* “Lovin’ Ain’t Easy” from the first season of Sigmund and the Sea Monsters.

The episode, “Puppy Love,” co-stars Pamelyn Ferdin and originally aired on September 15, 1973. The tune was written by Danny Janssen and Bobby Hart. Have a splendid Funshine Friday!

*”Lovin’ Ain’t Easy” was not a boffo socko, smash hit.

‘Sigmund And The Sea Monsters’: Johnny Whitaker Sings ‘Lovin’ Ain’t Easy,’ 1973

Previously on Funshine Friday: ‘The Muppet Show’: Steve Martin Sings ‘Ramblin’ Guy’ (1977)

Daily 70s Ad: Harley-Davidson ‘Freedom Machine’ (1973)

Harley-Davidson 'Freedom Machine.' ('Popular Science' magazine, Apr. 1973)

Harley-Davidson ‘Freedom Machine.’ (‘Popular Science’ magazine, Apr. 1973)

(Click ad to enlarge)

“Let the neat times roll.”

Here’s another cool Harley X-90 ad. Daily 70s Ad #48: Harley-Davidson ‘Freedom Machine’ originally appeared in the April, 1973 issue of Popular Science.

(Source: Popular Science)

Previously on Daily 70s Ad: Houston Radio KXYZ (1973)

Daily 70s Ad: Houston Radio KXYZ (1973)

Houston Radio KXYZ. ('Texas Monthly' magazine, Feb. 1973)

Houston Radio KXYZ. (‘Texas Monthly’ magazine, Feb. 1973)

(Click ad to enlarge)

“Houston’s great music station.”

I assume this couple has a portable radio with them. Daily 70s Ad #47: Houston Radio KXYZ originally appeared in the February, 1973 issue of Texas Monthly magazine.

(Source: Texas Monthly)

Previously on Daily 70s Ad: Chelsea Row’s Unconstructed Clothing (1978)

Daily 70s Ad: Chelsea Row’s Unconstructed Clothing (1978)

Chelsea Row's Unconstructed Clothing. ('Orange Coast' magazine, Oct. 1978)

Chelsea Row’s Unconstructed Clothing. (‘Orange Coast’ magazine, Oct. 1978)

(Click ad to enlarge)

“Noveau Noveau Noveau Noveau…”

The guy sulking fashionably in the corner really makes this one for me. Daily 70s Ad #46: Chelsea Row’s Unconstructed Clothing originally appeared in the October, 1978 issue of Orange Coast magazine.

(source: Orange Coast)

Previously on Daily 70s Ad: Dodge Recreational Vehicles (1973)

Daily 70s Ad: Dodge Recreational Vehicles (1973)

Dodge Recreational Vehicles. ('Popular Science' magazine, Apr. 1973)

Dodge Recreational Vehicles. (‘Popular Science’ magazine, Apr. 1973)

(Click ad to enlarge)

“Dodge is the Number 1 builder of motor home chassis.”

Just right for exploring the USA in 1973. Daily 70s Ad #45: Dodge Recreational Vehicles originally appeared in the April, 1973 issue of Popular Science magazine.

(Source: Popular Science)

Previously on Daily 70s Ad: Sugar For Energy (1970)