Daily 70s Ad: Volkswagen Bus (1971)

Volkswagen Bus. ('LIFE' magazine, May 07, 1971)

Volkswagen Bus. (‘LIFE’ magazine, May 07, 1971)

(Click to enlarge)

“…The Volkswagen is short and high and really quite ugly.”

A bit of rare, self-depreciating advertising. Daily 70s Ad #121: Volkswagen Bus originally appeared in the May 07, 1971 issue of LIFE magazine.

(Source: LIFE)

Previously on Daily 70s Ad: Texaco Presents Danny Kaye’s Metropolitan Opera (1975)

Sunday 70s Spots: Miller Lite With Deacon Jones & Red Auerbach (1977 & ’79)

Happy Mother's Day!? (Miller Lite commercial, 1979)

Happy Mother’s Day!? (Miller Lite commercial, 1979)

“Everything you always wanted in a beer…and less.”

Happy Mother’s Day! Let’s celebrate by knocking back two frosty, sports-oriented commercials for Miller Lite beer.

First, we have a February, 1977 spot with Pro Football Hall of Famer, Deacon Jones (d. June 03, 2013). Jones was best known for his defensive end work with the L.A. Rams and San Diego Chargers. Second, we check in with legendary Boston Celtics coach and president, Red Auerbach in a spot from February ’79.

Miller Lite Commercial With Deacon Jones, 1977

Miller Lite Commercial With Red Auerbach & Boston Celtics, 1979

Previously on 70s Spots: Johnson’s Shampoo & Lectric Shave (1976)

Daily 70s Ad: Texaco Presents Danny Kaye’s Metropolitan Opera (1975)

Texaco Presents Danny Kaye’s Metropolitan Opera. ('New York' magazine, April 28, 1975)

Texaco Presents Danny Kaye’s Metropolitan Opera. (‘New York’ magazine, April 28, 1975)

(Click to enlarge)

“Let Danny Kaye lead you and your whole family on a wonderful, one-hour magical tour through the fascinating world of opera.”

The Court Jester does his best to make opera fun for all. Daily 70s Ad #120: Texaco Presents Danny Kaye’s Metropolitan Opera originally appeared in the April 28, 1975 issue of New York magazine.

(Source: New York)

Previously on Daily 70s Ad: Al Green ‘L-O-V-E’ (1975)

Saturday 70s Spots: Johnson’s Shampoo & Lectric Shave (1976)

Keeping your 70s locks shiny and clean. (Johnson's Baby Shampoo commercial, 1976)

Keeping your 70s locks shiny and clean. (Johnson’s Baby Shampoo commercial, 1976)

The weekend is here and that means it’s time to roll out the commercials. We’ll title today “Grooming Day” and present spots for Johnson’s Baby Shampoo and Lectric Shave. Both spots aired in February of 1976.

I believe that’s Tim Matheson playing the “Quarterback” in the Johnson’s Shampoo commercial. He says the line: “Shampoo for babies has to be gentle.” Also, the actor in the Lectric Shave commercial is very familiar but my mind is blanking on a name. See what you think on both counts. Now, go get spruced up!

Johnson’s Baby Shampoo ‘Football Players’ Commercial, 1976

Lectric Shave Commercial, 1976

Previously on 70s Spots: Susan Anton For Muriel Cigars (1976 & ’77)

Daily 70s Ad: Al Green ‘L-O-V-E’ (1975)

Al Green 'L-O-V-E.' ('Billboard' magazine, Feb. 22, 1975)

Al Green ‘L-O-V-E.’ (‘Billboard’ magazine, Feb. 22, 1975)

(Click to enlarge)

“Al Green’s new single.”

This would have been perfect for Valentine’s Day, but any day is good for Al Green and love. Daily 70s Ad #119: Al Green ‘L-O-V-E’ originally appeared in the February 22, 1975 issue of Billboard magazine.

(Source: Billboard)

Previously on Daily 70s Ad: Black Velvet Canadian Whisky (1977)

Funshine Friday: ‘The Muppet Show’ Season One Promos/Gag Reel (1976)

"Ahhhh. Wakka wakka!" ('The Muppet Show,' 1976)

“Ahhhh. Wakka wakka!” (‘The Muppet Show,’ 1976)

How goes your almost-weekend? It’s time to jumpstart the fun with a minute-and-a-half of promos and outtakes from The Muppet Show. The clips below are from season one of the series, circa 1976. Have a happy Funshine Friday!

‘The Muppet Show’: Season One Promos/Gag Reel, 1976

Previously on Funshine Friday: ‘Casper And The Angels’ (1979)