Daily 70s Ad: McDonald’s ‘Cheeseburger Smile’ (1972)

McDonald's 'Cheeseburger Smile.' ('Ebony' magazine, June, 1972)

McDonald’s ‘Cheeseburger Smile.’ (‘Ebony’ magazine, June, 1972)

(Click to enlarge)

“Smile and say cheeseburger.”

A cheeseburger that year would only set you back around 30 cents. Daily 70s Ad #137: McDonald’s ‘Cheeseburger Smile’ originally appeared in the June, 1972 issue of Ebony magazine.

(Source: Ebony)

Previously on Daily 70s Ad: Seagram’s ‘Golf Couple’ (1972)

Daily 70s Ad: Seagram’s ‘Golf Couple’ (1972)

Seagram’s ‘Golf Couple.' ('LIFE' magazine, Apr. 28, 1972)

Seagram’s ‘Golf Couple.’ (‘LIFE’ magazine, Apr. 28, 1972)

(Click to enlarge)

“V.O. Very special. Very Canadian. Very right.”

A glass of Seagram’s V.O. Now, is that before or after the round of golf? Daily 70s Ad #136: Seagram’s ‘Golf Couple’ originally appeared in the April 28, 1972 issue of LIFE magazine.

(Source: LIFE)

Previously on Daily 70s Ad: US Navy ‘Sign Now, Sail Later’ (1976)

Daily 70s Ad: US Navy ‘Sign Now, Sail Later’ (1976)

US Navy ‘Sign Now, Sail Later.' ('Popular Science' magazine, May, 1976)

US Navy ‘Sign Now, Sail Later.’ (‘Popular Science’ magazine, May, 1976)

(Click to enlarge)

“Tie up loose ends, finish school, say good-byes, or just relax in the sun.”

Here’s one for Memorial Day. Daily 70s Ad #135: US Navy ‘Sign Now, Sail Later’ originally appeared in the May, 1976 issue of Popular Science magazine.

(Source: Popular Science)

Previously on Daily 70s Ad: AMC Pacer Give-Away (1976)

Sunday 70s Spots: Homelite Chainsaws & Coronet Paper Towels (1976)

NFC champ Alan Page and his purple people-eating gear. (Coronet commercial, 1976)

NFC champ Alan Page and his purple people-eating gear. (Coronet commercial, 1976)

“For the pro…and the man who wants to cut like one.”

Greetings, lazy Sunday’ers! 1976 weekend continues with another set of commercials. This time from February of the year in question.

First up, we have a somewhat humorous spot for Homelite Chainsaws featuring a wannabe lumberjack. Following that, a Coronet Paper Towels commercials featuring Alan Page of the Minnesota Vikings. In 1976, Page was a member of the famed, “Purple People Eaters” and set a career high of 18 quarterback sacks. Now, buy some towels from the man!

Homelite Chainsaw ‘Lumberjack’ Commercial, 1976

Coronet Paper Towels ‘Minnesota Vikings’ Commercial, 1976

Previously on 70s Spots: RCA TV & Campbell’s Soup (1976)

Daily 70s Ad: AMC Pacer Give-Away (1976)

AMC Pacer Give-Away. ('Popular Science' magazine, May, 1976)

AMC Pacer Give-Away. (‘Popular Science’ magazine, May, 1976)

“Three beautiful all-new 1976 AMC Pacers will be given away.”

If it’s 1976 this weekend then today’s print ad had better comply. Daily 70s Ad #134: AMC Pacer Give-Away originally appeared in the May, 1976 issue of Popular Science magazine.

(Source: Popular Science)

Previously on Daily 70s Ad: Mexico ‘Excitement’ (1974)

Saturday 70s Spots: RCA TV & Campbell’s Soup (1976)

Are you tracking the snazzy colors on that outfit? (Eddie Arcaro for RCA, 1976)

Are you tracking the snazzy colors on that outfit? (Eddie Arcaro for RCA, 1976)

“RCA is making television better and better.”

I now declare this weekend – 1976! To get the timewarp underway, here’s two commercials that aired in September ’76.

First, a spot for RCA’s ColorTrak TVs starring Hall of Fame jockey, Eddie Arcaro. After that, you’ll enjoy a humorous spot for Campbell’s soup. Annnnd, they’re off!

RCA ColorTrak TV Commercial, 1976

Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Soup Commercial, 1976

Previously on 70s Spots: Ford Futura & Pinto (1978 & ’79)