70s Spots: Bumble Bee Tuna (1979)

Sorry, Charlie, this ain't your brand. (Bumble Bee Tuna commercial, 1979)

Sorry, Charlie, this ain’t your brand.
(Bumble Bee Tuna commercial, 1979)

“It’s so good you can eat it plain.”

Happy Monday! Let’s dive into a new week where we’ll feature a daily batch of Seventies commercials from a variety of years.

We’ll get started with one for Bumble Bee Tuna. The spot below aired in November of 1979.

Bumble Bee Tuna Commercial, 1979

Previously on 70s Spots: Barbara Walters For Protein 21 Hairspray (1972)

70s Spots: Barbara Walters For Protein 21 Hairspray (1972)

It's Ba Ba Wa Wa!

It’s Ba Ba Wa Wa!

“Protein 21 holds with body.”

Here’s Barbara Walters promoting Protein 21 hairspray while leading into a commercial break on NBC’s The Today Show. The spot aired in May of 1972.

Barbara Walters For Protein 21 Hairspray, 1972

Previously on 70s Spots: Cobbie Cuddlers Shoes (1979)

70s Spots: Cobbie Cuddlers Shoes (1979)

'How many pairs of shoes do you own?' (Cobbie Cuddlers commercial, 1979)

‘How many pairs of shoes do you own?’
(Cobbie Cuddlers commercial, 1979)

“Shoes you can live in.”

Who remembers Cobbie Cuddlers shoes? I had completely forgotten until this spot jogged my memory. The commercial aired at the tail end of the Seventies, in November of 1979.

Cobbie Cuddlers Shoe Commercial, 1979

Previously on 70s Spots: Plymouth Volaré & Arrow (1978)

70s Spots: Plymouth Volaré & Arrow (1978)

Larry Dallas for Volaré (aka Richard Kline, 1978).

Larry Dallas for Volaré
(aka Richard Kline, 1978).

“Meet the Plymouth Arrows for ’78.”

Two spots for Plymouth today. First up, William Christopher (M*A*S*H) and Richard Kline (Three’s Company) appear in a spot for Volaré. If you can identify the third actor, who looks familiar, but I just can’t place him, please let me know.

After that, a spot for the Plymouth Arrow featuring a jingle version of Harry Nilsson’s “Me and My Arrow.” Both commercials aired in April of 1978.

*Update: Bionic Disco YouTube viewer, deputay, has identified the third actor as Freeman King. Thank you!

Plymouth Volaré ‘TV Stars’ Commercial, 1978

Plymouth ‘Me & My Arrow’ Commercial, 1978

Previously on 70s Spots: Polaroid Big Shot (1971)

70s Spots: Polaroid Big Shot (1971)

Good gravy, that's a large camera. (Polaroid commercial, 1971)

Good gravy, that’s a large camera.
(Polaroid commercial, 1971)

“Every shot this camera takes is a close-up portrait.”

It’s time to snap a few close-up pics with Polaroid’s massive Big Shot Land Camera. If you can lift it – you can take some very lovely portraits. The spot aired in December of 1971.

Polaroid Big Shot Commercial, 1971

Previously on 70s Spots: English Leather Lime Cologne (1971)

More Polaroid at Bionic Disco: Daily 70s Spot #502: Polaroid Land Camera (1973)

70s Spots: English Leather Lime Cologne (1971)

All her men wear English Leather. 'Every one of them.'

All her men wear English Leather. ‘Every one of them.’

“They know I dig English Leather Lime so they pour it on.”

Afternoon, Seventies commercials fans. Today, I’ve got an English Leather Lime cologne spot for you. The commercial aired in December of 1971. Pour it on.

English Leather Lime Cologne Commercial, 1971

Previously on 70s Spots: Breyers Strawberry Yogurt (1978)