70s Spots: Colt 45 ‘Jaws’ (Billy Van, 1976)

Don't say 'beer,' say 'shark'! (Colt 45 commercial, 1976)

Don’t say ‘beer,’ say ‘shark’!
(Colt 45 commercial, 1976)

“A completely unique experience.”

During Jaws‘ popularity explosion, Colt 45 produced this spot for their long-running series of commercials featuring comedian, Billy Van. The spot was produced in 1975 and this one aired in January of ’76. Don’t drink the water!?!

Colt 45 ‘Jaws’ Commercial, Billy Van, 1976

Previously on 70s Spots: Santa Anita Race Track (Ruth Buzzi, 1971)

More Colt 45 Featuring Billy Van at Bionic Disco: Daily 70s Spot #494: Colt 45 ‘Hockey’ (Billy Van, 1972)

70s Spots: Santa Anita Race Track (Ruth Buzzi, 1971)

"Impossible!" Ruth Buzzi for Santa Anita, 1970

Ruth Buzzi for Santa Anita, 1970

“Get wildly emotional nine times a day!”

Here’s a fun rarity for Santa Antia race track in Southern California. The spot features Ruth Buzzi portraying the frumpy Gladys Ormphby character she made famous on Laugh-In. Fellow Laugh-In cast member, Gary Owens, provides the narration.

The commercial aired in early 1971 and was produced in 1970.

Santa Anita Race Track Commercial, Ruth Buzzi, 1971

Previously on 70s Spots: Noxzema Shave ‘Close’ (1971)

70s Spots: Noxzema Shave ‘Close’ (1971)

Look at that close shave!

Look at that close shave!

“You know how close you can get?”

Here’s a Noxzema Medicated Shave commercial that shows neither a man nor anyone shaving. Still, they’re selling something here. I just can’t put my finger on it.

The spot aired in January of 1971 and was produced in 1970 (or earlier).

Noxzema Shave ‘Close’ Commercial, 1971

Previously on 70s Spots: 70s Fashion – Wedding Dresses (1972)

School Movies: ‘Halloween Safety’ (1977)

Dump it! Dump it all! ('Halloween Safety,' 1977)

Dump it! Dump it all!
(‘Halloween Safety,’ 1977)

“Don’t stop in the middle of the street for any reason.”

Happy Halloween Weekend, everyone! You may be ready for a wild bout of frantic trick or treating this Monday, but are you keeping safety in mind before you venture out?

When in doubt - throw it out!

When in doubt – throw it out!

Refresh yourselves with proper Halloween Safety procedures in this educational film from 1977. Remember, “Don’t take any chances – throw it away!”

Vintage Halloween Safety Film, 1977

Previously on School Movies: ‘Safety: In Danger Out Of Doors’ (1978)

70s Spots: 70s Fashion – Wedding Dresses (1972)

A bride's head revisited.

A bride’s head revisited.

“For the girl who is very Today.”

In the market for a nice 1970s wedding dress? Peruse the wares at Maryland’s Today shop for all the latest fashions. The commercial aired in May of 1972.

70s Fashion: Wedding Dresses Commercial, 1972

Previously on 70s Spots: ’73 Chrysler Newport (1972)

70s Spots: ’73 Chrysler Newport (1972)

'Electronic ignition'! ('73 Chrysler Newport commercial, 1972)

‘Electronic ignition’!
(’73 Chrysler Newport commercial, 1972)

“A Chrysler more people can afford.”

Let’s stick with Chrysler again today, but fast-forward almost two years to October of 1972. Here we find the 1973 Chrysler Newport being presented as a long-standing tradition in engineering. Roll with it.

’73 Chrysler Newport Commercial, 1972

Previously on 70s Spots: Chrysler Plymouth Cricket (1971)