70s Spots: GE Clock Radio (Sammy Davis Jr.) & Ultra Ban 5000 (1974)

‘Right on, GE!’

“Dig the buttons!”

Another hip and happening spot for General Electric today featuring Sammy Davis Jr.. This one features the latest in digital clock radios and aired in November of 1974. Who knew Sammy was so into electronics design and research?

After that, a “hidden camera” commercial for Ultra Ban 5000 antiperspirant from earlier in the year (March of ’74).

GE Clock Radio Commercial (Sammy Davis Jr, 1974)

Ultra Ban 5000 Commercial (1974)

Previously on 70s Spots: Sunbeam Shaver (Chuck Connors) & Midas (Vic Tayback, 1973)

Music For Monday: Faces, ‘Stay With Me’ (Live ’72)

‘Deep & dirty!’

Music lovers – it’s Music for Monday time! Let’s head over to Cherry Stereo and see which seventies song is in the spotlight.

Today, it’s Rod Stewart and the Faces performing “Stay With Me” live on European TV in 1972. Rock and roll doesn’t get much better than this. Have a look & listen!

Previously on Music for Monday: ABBA, ‘Knowing Me, Knowing You’ (1978)

70s Spots: Sunbeam Shaver (Chuck Connors) & Midas (Vic Tayback, 1973)

Chuck takes one on the chin.

“Designed to get all the beard you’ve got.”

We’re visiting the fall of 1973 today. First up, we have Chuck Connors (The Rifleman) for Sunbeam Shavemaster Shavers. The commercial aired in October of ’73.

After that, good ol’ Vic Tayback (Alice) co-stars as a chicken truck driver in a Midas spot from September ’73.

Chuck Connors For Sunbeam Shaver (1973)

Midas Commercial (Vic Tayback, 1973)

Previously on 70s Spots: EF Hutton (J. Paul Getty) & Paper Mate (Johnny Brown, 1972)

70s Spots: EF Hutton (J. Paul Getty) & Paper Mate (Johnny Brown, 1972)

Shouldn’t that be: ‘When J. Paul Getty talks – EF Hutton listens’?

“When EF Hutton talks – people listen.”

The following commercials aired in October of 1972 and they couldn’t be more different to one another. First, a spot for EF Hutton wherein 79 year old wealthy industrialist, J.Paul Getty greets us from his English estate.

After that, another one of those singing and dancing spots for Paper Mate Write Bros. pens starring Johnny Brown (Good Times).

EF Hutton Commercial (J.Paul Getty, 1972)

Paper Mate Commercial (Johnny Brown, 1972)

Previously on 70s Spots: Esso Gasoline ‘Toys & Animation’ (1971)

70s Spots: Esso Gasoline ‘Toys & Animation’ (1971)

Little known fact: the gas shortage got so bad it began to affect children’s toys.

“Esso is doing more.”

Two commercials for Esso HTA gasoline today featuring toy cars and a focus on the “hesitation” theory. The first spot aired in November 1971. The second aired a bit earlier in August of ’71.

Esso ‘Toy Cars’ Commercial (1971)

Esso ‘Hesitation’ Commercial (1971)

Previously on 70s Spots: United Airlines ‘Hawaii’ (Brian Forster) & TWA 747s (Lou Jacobi, 1970)

70s Spots: United Airlines ‘Hawaii’ (Brian Forster) & TWA 747s (Lou Jacobi, 1970)

Brian Forster preps for ‘The Partridge Family.’

“Fly the friendly skies of United.”

Two spots today from the top of the decade featuring those newfangled 747 planes. First, we have a United Airlines “Hawaii Service” commercial starring Brian Forster from The Partridge Family. The spot aired in September of 1970.

Second, a spot for TWA featuring two old timers (one being Lou Jacobi) reminiscing about DC-3s and flying in the 1930s. This one aired a few months earlier in April of ’70.

United Airlines ‘Hawaii’ Commercial (Brian Forster, 1970)

TWA ‘New’ 747 Commercial (Lou Jacobi, 1970)

Previously on 70s Spots: Mattel Electronics Football & Tyco Model Trains (1979)