70s Commercials: Maniac Game, AMC Spirit, Alpha-Bits, ‘Running’ Movie (1979)

We’ve reached 1979 and the end of the decade. Don’t worry, there’s many more seventies commercials to come, but they’ll be sprinkled out in a more random fashion for a while. This year-by-year thing takes five weeks every time I … Continue reading

70s Commercials: ‘Carpenters’/’Olivia!,’ Arthur Treacher’s, Subaru Brat, C.W. Post (1978)

1978 is here and we’ve achieved “Prime Seventies.” Just watch the following ABC promo for back-to-back TV specials featuring The Carpenters, John Davidson, Suzanne Somers, Olivia Newton-John, Andy Gibb, and ABBA. Just…wow! Following that, enjoy spots for Arthur Treacher’s Fish … Continue reading

70s Commercials: McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish, Honeycomb Cereal, VW Rabbit, Spray ‘N Wash (1977)

A very happy Friday to you. Today’s batch of commercials aired in 1977. You can enjoy spots for McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish, Honeycomb cereal, Volkswagen Rabbit, and Spray ‘n Wash. Stay safe out there and have a great weekend. MCDONALD’S FILET-O-FISH COMMERCIAL … Continue reading