
Bionic Disco – a 1970s pop culture explosion! Reliving the best and worst of the decade. Anything from January 01, 1970 to December 31, 1979 is fair game.

Your Editor-In-Chief and Master of Ceremonies is David A. Moore.

CONTACT: dmoore[at]bionicdisco[dot]com.

Born 1966, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Raised by numerous Sleestacks and five Amazing Dobermans in the fabulous 1970s. Currently lives in Southern California with his wife and daughter. Likes to get drunk late at night while watching The Brady Bunch.

The EIC and his sister, December, 1971, Los Angeles, CA

Site Disclaimer:
No copyright infringement is intended by the posting of photos, videos, etc. on this site. I do not claim the rights of ownership to any of them. They remain the property of their respective owners. I have posted them for entertainment purposes only. All written content, unless contained within quotes, has been written and copyrighted by me.



About — 64 Comments

  1. Absolutely love your website. The 70s was the greatest decade to grow up in. THANKS for singling out “Charley Varrick.” It’s always been a favorite flick of mine.

  2. Love your site! Stumbled upon it while looking up Holmes and Yo Yo, which I fondly recall and agree with your sentiments. I was born in 71, so I was a bit younger but still recall the computer on his chest and that Yo Yo was a lovable hero… Thanks for a great site!

  3. Hi Dave!

    I am the ultimate 70s diva! I have lurked on your site for awhile now, but I finally got a bug in me to reply to posts. I fondly remember the 70s as the best time in the world to be a kid! No play dates, cell phones, internet, helicopter parenting (hovering). Life was good, simple, and just plain fun. Thanks for the great memories!

    • Hi Sharry,
      I’m very glad you are having fun here at the Disco! Thanks for sharing your comments and stories. Keep on Truckin’!

  4. Not meaning to rain on the parade, but Leonard Nimoy was never involved, much less a producer, on “The Fantastic Journey”. Greatly appreciate the mention of the series though.

    • Hi George,
      Thanks for the comment. While researching the show I found the Nimoy connection, but that may have been incorrect. I can’t find the original source again. Thanks for the info. I’ll correct it.

  5. Dear Sir or Madam:

    This message is for all of the people responsible for the official Bionic Disco web site. This is a request for some classic 1970’s TV commercials.

    Do you remember the 1970’s TV commercials for Bounty(R) paper towels in which Bounty became ‘New
    Extra Absorbent Bounty’? Those commercials aired sometime in the 1974-1975 time run. If you get permission, please try to find the two 30-second commercials for ‘New Extra Absorbent Bounty.’

    I thank you very much for your time.

    Sincerely yours,

    W. A. P.

  6. Wow, this looks like a really great site! I was born ’67, and the 1970s were the best time in my life. Thanks for bringing them back.

  7. Thank you for downloading 3 commercials of Irene Cara. Had she done any others in her career in the
    1970s perhaps for McDonalds, Coca Cola and Dolly Madison ?

  8. David, thank you for posting an American Express Commercial that may have only been seconds long, but captured my totally New Yorker dad on 1974, who passed in 1987. He was larger than life, had a whirlwind time on earth and was my best friend. Now, my husband and son who could not meet him can get a glimpse of the man I described. The 100’s of stories have a voice and a face. Thank you. Best Christmas gift ever. That year we sat around my Gram’s “console” t.v. so proud of this cool dude from Queens. Big times for his Italian immigrant family.

  9. Could you tell me what tv commercials that actress Irene Cara had done in the 70s other than Timex,
    Burger King and the Puffs Tissues Ads?

  10. Are there any other tv commercials from the 1970s that have included Irene Cara or Morgan Freeman?
    Are there other 1970s commercials of the Coca Cola Soft Drink?

      • Hi. Nothing new with Cara or Freeman to post lately. No new Coke commercials either. I’ll be sure and post anything good I come across in the future.

  11. Hi. I am working on an article analyzing music in advertisements, and wanted to know if you could verify the source of the Ford Futura ad?

  12. Hi I had always been an Irene Cara fan had seen many of the videos on youtube. I have only seen commercials of Irene Cara in Ford, Puffs Tissues Timex and Burger King. Could you download any more commercials that she might have been in the 1970s?

  13. I was wondering if you ever came across a 1973 Chevrolet commercial showcasing all cars in the line-up, including the Corvette. It was only shown a couple of times at the beginning of the year (1972) and was 1 ½ to 2 minutes in length. I had a tape of the commercial, but it was audio only. It would be nice if you could uncover that commercial. It was awesome! Take care! Tom Biscan

  14. I wanted to thank you for posting the Leggs 1976 commercial on YT in which a little girl is playing dress up. I was that little girl and I’ve searched for that clip for YEARS. I am so grateful for this piece of digital memorabilia.

  15. Hi. I was wondering if you had/could find the 1971(?) Kraft Peanut Brittle commercial where the mom comes into the kitchen after grocery shopping and tries to sneak a piece of peanut brittle, but her son runs in and snatches the box and says “Thanks, Mom” as he runs off? I’m the kid in the spot and it was one of my first TV commercials, but I haven’t seen it since I was in kindergarten. FYI – I have copies of a couple other 1970s spots I appeared in and would be happy to share them with you. Please LMK if you can find the one I’m looking for.

  16. Sometime between 1972-74, there was a Rolaids commercial that featured a truck driver hauling a hot load of strawberries and, of course, needing Rolaids. The truck driver was a friend of mine at the time whose name, after 50 years, completely escapes me! But, we were both bus drivers – me, for the just the summer, but he was full time – we did the Universal Studios tour back then for the bus company and he was approached as we waited for the folks on our tour to finish lunch in the Universal Commissary. He got the job, was flown to New York for a few days and I remember seeing the commercial on TV. Any ideas how to find this commercial? Do you remember it?

  17. I was born in 1966. The 70’s were the biggest part of my childhood. I grew up “glued” or the TV. Thanks for providing and preserving so many great memories!

  18. Hello! I can’t leave a comment at https://www.bionicdisco.com/2018/03/12/70s-spots-united-airlines-to-hawaii-trailways-bus-1978/, so I’ll try here …

    Recently I was contacted by a man who’d seen a couple of 1970s United TV spots on my YouTube channel and wondered if I had the following one: “I did the lead role in a UAL TV commercial here in Hawaii that played for over a year. It was produced by KGMB TV (Phil Arnone?) and the music was by the Sunday Manoa, the song was ‘Honolulu I’m coming home again’…… It was a story about flying from SF to Honolulu, and the dreams I had while flying, scenes at the beach, parks, etc. with a wife and child, ending arriving in Honolulu meeting them.”

    Does that description ring a bell for anyone at Bionic Disco? I got this man in touch with the University of Hawaii, where Phil Arnone’s archives are housed, but he was told that it didn’t have that ad. I also tried Leo Burnett, United’s ad agency from the mid-’60s to the mid-’90s, in Chicago, where I live, but I was told that it doesn’t have on-site archives. (I found the two ’70s ads that are posted on my YouTube channel while working at the Museum of Broadcast Communications in 2014.)

    Thank you for your time!

  19. I am trying to find a toothpaste commercial from around 1970 that features a beautiful blonde in a long white gown looking like Veronica Lake coming down an ornate, curved staircase and when she gets to the bottom she has this fantastic smile…but says nothing. The reason for that was because the woman, Rena Horten, who was my next door neighbor up on Gower in Beachwood Canyon, was from Berlin and had a thick German accent. A few years before that Russ Myer put her in Mudhoney and solved the accent problem by having her character be a mute temptress…she is on the poster for the movie with her blouse open.

  20. OMG why am I JUST finding this site! I feel like you and I are twins separated at birth! I was also born 1966 and you have curated a collection of all of my favorite things!

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