60s Commercials: Fruit Stripe Gum, Kodak, Rexall, Hunt’s Catsup, ‘Here’s Lucy,’ Cap’n Crunch, Bali Hai, All Detergent (1968-69)

“Yipes! Stripes!” It’s Sixties Week here at the ‘Disco, and I’ve got a hearty batch of commercials from 1968 and ’69 for you. Our star is a wonderful animated spot for Beech-Nut Gum featuring the voices of John Fiedler and … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Sears Snow Tires, Tyco Trains, United Airlines, Intimate Fragrance, Jonathan Winters, VW, Midland CB, Palmolive (1973-76)

“Give me the good Superior stuff, sonny!” I’m behind on the ol’ weekend posting here, so this one will be an Extra-Large Economy Size version. The vintage commercials below originally ran on American TV screens between 1973 and 1976. First … Continue reading

70s Commercials: Wurlitzer Organ, Imperial Margarine, Hormel Ham, Prolong (1972-73)

“It may just change your mind!” Greetings, New Yearians! Our first batch of commercials for 2025 features the years 1972 and ’73. First up, a groovy spot for Wurlitzer’s Orbit III Spinet Organ and Electric Synthesizer. I never had one … Continue reading