In 1978 Mark Hamill went on a publicity trip to Japan to promote Star Wars. YouTuber “btm0815ma” has posted a 23-minute video of behind-the-scenes footage of the visit.
The footage is unedited and only fanatics, like myself, will want to view it in its entirety. However, brave explorers will uncover much that fascinates like a pre-Empire Strikes Back Hamill enjoying himself at a press conference, appearing on a TV show, and interacting with fans. Fun fact: Hamill likely feels comfortable in Japan as he spent a few teenage years living in Yokosuka and attended high school in Yokohama.

You’ll also get a look at some classic Star Wars merchandise, Star Wars characters in a parade, and Japan in the late 70s. Well worth a watch…or a scan through to find the bits that interest you.
‘Star Wars’ Debuts In Japan (1978)
More Star Wars: Daily 70s Ad: MPC ‘Star Wars’ Model Kits (1979)