Lots of fun to be had in today’s quartet of seventies commercials. You’ll find Barry “Greg Brady” Williams dancing in a suit of armor for Shasta, the famed “Burger King And I” jingle, Pillsbury’s Figurines, and the Pontiac Grand Prix.
(For thousands more 70s commercials visit the Bionic Disco YouTube channel)
‘Burger King And I’ Song Commercial (1978)
Burger King commercial aired March 1978.
Shasta Orange Soda Commercial (Barry Williams, 1977)
Shasta commercial featuring Barry Williams (‘The Brady Bunch’) and narration by Casey Kasem aired August 1977.
Pillsbury Figurines Commercial (1976)
Pillsbury Figurines commercial featuring Carla Borelli aired March 1976.
’76 Pontiac Grand Prix Commercial (1975)
General Motors Pontiac Grand Prix commercial aired October 1975.
Previously on 70s Spots: Rerun & The Lockers, Tickle, Dentyne
More Burger King: 70s Spots: ‘Burger King And I’ (1978 & ’79)
More Shasta: 70s Spots: Shasta Root Beer & Sunkist Oranges (1976)
More Pillsbury: Sunday 70s Spots: Quaker Oats & Pillsbury Swirl Cake (1979)
More Pontiac: Daily 70s Ad : Pontiac Safari Wagon (1978)