70s Memories: Michael McKean’s Credibility Gap

(Photo: David L. Lander, Harry Shearer, and Michael McKean send up Tom Snyder, mid-1970s – From Flotation Device blog)

It’s my pleasure to point you towards some quality seventies memories today. At Michael McKean’s Flotation Device blog there’s two reminisces to enjoy.

First, you’ll want to read McKean’s warm stories of meeting David Lander in college in the sixties and how their life-long friendship came to be. After that, dig into the tale of McKean’s move to Los Angeles and his joining The Credibility Gap comedy team and helping to craft their 70s-era shenanigans.

Michael McKean:
“I flew into Los Angeles on February 11, 1970, my first trip to California and the farthest from home I’d been. First movie on a plane, too. Ice Station Zebra. I was greeted at the airport by David Lander’s wife, Thea, who stuck a lit joint in my mouth and whisked me off to West Hollywood in her aqua-and-white Nash Metro. It had been twelve Fahrenheit in New York. It was sixty-eight here. Farewell, Ice Station Manhattan.”

Next, jump over to the always-enjoyable News From ME blog and read Mark Evanier’s seventies memories of competition between Marvel and DC comics.

Mark Evanier:
“Every year or two, I’d go spend a week — once it was three weeks — back in New York and I’d hang around the DC offices or the Marvel offices where absolutely no one ever said to me, ‘What are you doing here? You don’t work here.’ Most, if they noticed me at all, just presumed I did. And once in a while, I’d be asked to do something as if I was an employee and I’d do it.”


Michael McKean’s Flotation Device: D.L. AND THE MALT SHOP BOYS & THE REALITY BUILDING: Some Words on The Credibility Gap

Mark Evanier’s NewsFromME: Team Spirit – Part 2

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