Daily 70s Spot: Budweiser Beer, ‘When Do You Say Bud?’ (1977)

Fishin' up boots and drinkin' Bud (Budweiser, 1977)

Fishin’ up boots and drinkin’ Bud (Budweiser, 1977)

“When you say ‘Budweiser’ – you’ve said it all!”

Time to peek inside the cooler and crack open our Daily 70s Spot. On display below we have a Budweiser beer commercial which ran as part of the well-known “When do you say Budweiser?” campaign. Spot aired in July of 1977.

Daily 70s Spot #188: Budweiser Beer ‘When Do You Say Bud?’ Commercial, 1977

Previously on Daily 70s Spot: Chevy ‘National Economy Drive’ (1979)


Daily 70s Spot: Budweiser Beer, ‘When Do You Say Bud?’ (1977) — 2 Comments

  1. The guy who catches the galosh looks like actor Howard Pratt. He played Dr. Newman on “The Bob Newhart Show” and of the regulars (a police officer) on “Sanford and Son.”

    • Good eye. I think that is Howard Platt. A search for “Howard Platt, actor” brings up some good images.