‘Do I have to spell it out? C.H.E.E.S.E.A.N.D.O.N.I.O.N.S.’
“I have always thought – in the back of my mind – cheese and onions.”
Monday. “Tax Day.” I think we can all use a good laugh…and a Yellow Submarine Sandwich.
Here’s The Rutles with “Cheese and Onions” from their March, 1978 TV special, All You Need Is Cash.
Previously on Music for Monday: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, ‘American Girl’ (live ’78)
Very well done!! They copied the Peter Max-ish animation of “The Yellow Submarine” perfectly, along with the voices.
Yes, it’s perfect. I’m glad they went all the way and got animation done for ‘All You Need Is Cash.’ I remember being happily surprised when I saw it on TV in ’78.