‘The Point!’ TV title, 1971
Happy Funshine Friday, my friends. Here’s a long-lost treat to get your weekend started; the original 1971 version of Harry Nilsson’s The Point! with narration by Dustin Hoffman.

Oblio and his mother (‘The Point!,’ 1971)
The Point! is Nilsson’s fable about little Oblio, the only boy with a round head in a point-filled village. You may remember Nilsson’s tune, “Me and My Arrow,” from the animated show and studio L.P. You may also remember the animated version re-released commercially years later with narration by Ringo Starr. This is the original version shown on ABC in February of ’71. Enjoy the delightful music and pointed story.
Oh, and one more interesting note: Oblio is voiced by Mike ‘Bobby Brady’ Lookinland.
The Point! Wiki, IMDb
More on The Point! at For The Love Of Harry Nilsson
Previously on Funshine Friday: ‘The Pink Panther,’ ‘Pinky Doodle’ cartoon (1976)