Kotch, the only film directed by Jack Lemmon, hit theaters in September of 1971. The movie stars Lemmon’s buddy, Walter Matthau as Joseph Kotcher, a retired salesman who befriends a pregnant teenager played by Deborah Winters. This charming comedic drama deals with old age, loneliness and changing moral values.
I viewed Kotch this evening, and while I wouldn’t call the film a classic, the always charismatic Matthau is a pleasure to watch and he received an Academy Award nomination for his role. Larry Linville, later to co-star in M.A.S.H., has a small but effective part (in his first movie role) as Winters’ brother.
The TV trailer below lists the film as rated “GP,” for “Parental Guidance.” A few years later the designation was changed to “PG.”
Previously on Trailer Tuesday: ‘Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid’ (1973)