Daily 70s Spot: Chevrolet Concours (1977)

"In Europe, to show that an American car can challenge the highways of the world." (Chevrolet Concours, late 1970s)

“In Europe, to show that an American car can challenge the highways of the world.” (Chevrolet Concours, late 1970s)

“A world class luxury compact.”

Let’s roll into our Daily 70s Spot. Today we take a look at the Chevrolet Concours as the company shows off the vehicle during a European tour. Commercial aired in 1977.

Daily 70s Spot #81: Chevrolet Concours ‘In Europe’ Commercial, 1977

*Update: I’ve mostly confirmed this Chevy spot is from 1977 and the post has been updated.

Previously, on Daily 70s Spot: Erlanger Beer Commercial (1979)


Daily 70s Spot: Chevrolet Concours (1977) — 1 Comment

  1. Ahh, those were the days when TV commercials weren’t the hyperactive, shout-fests that travel at two thousand miles an hour. These 70s commercials took their time getting their message across, simply and effectively.