Comedic thriller, Silver Streak hit theaters in December of 1976 and ended up a top 10 money-earner for the year. The movie stars Gene Wilder as a book publisher (George Caldwell) who takes the “Silver Streak” train from Los Angeles to Chicago. Along the journey Wilder meets and falls for Jill Clayburgh (Hilly Burns), witnesses a death, is accused of murder, buddies up with Richard Pryor (Grover T. Muldoon) and survives numerous calamities.
Take a gander at the theatrical trailer below. It’s one of those coming attractions that gives away a bit too much of the film, but after 37 years do I still need to post a SPOILER warning? Hmm, I guess I just did.

Previously, on Trailer Tuesday: Robby Benson in ‘One on One’
One of my all-time favorite 70’s movies that manages to be both hilarious and thrilling at the same time. I do agree though that the trailer gives away too much.