In honor of Ernest Borgnine, who passed away yesterday, here’s the trailer for The Poseidon Adventure (released December, 1972) and an extra treat video with cast members remembering the shoot.
The Poseidon Adventure – The Cast looks Back
The Poseidon Adventure Wiki, IMDb

Thanks for remembering a great actor and a fun film. This has to be THEE epitome of the “disaster film” that were so popular in the 1970s. I saw “Poseidon” when it was re-released in 1975. Studios had a habit in the 70s of re-releasing films to the theatres. In 1974 I saw both “2001: A Space Odyssey” and “Planet of the Apes” in their re-release.
I agree. Poseidon is probably the best “Disaster Film” of the 70s.
There was a slew of re-releases wasn’t there? The studios still do it today but not as much as they did in the 70s.