Bewitched ran for eight seasons on ABC from October, 1964 to April of 1972. The show was hugely successful, but by the final season was suffering in the ratings. The show was put opposite the white-hot All in the Family and ended up at #72 in viewership stakes.
I was too young to remember watching the show first-run but I caught Bewitched almost daily during the 70s in syndicated reruns. As well as being a big fan of Elizabeth Montgomery (as everyone was), I really enjoyed watching the original Darren, Dick York, and co-stars Paul Lynde (Uncle Arthur), Bernard Fox (Dr. Bombay) and Alice Ghostley (Esmeralda) do their thing. Tinkle tinkle tink!
Here are two promos for the final season featuring star, Montgomery, bringing the groovy. Nice “Ecology” patch!
*Note (March, 2014): Unfortunately, the promo videos are no longer on YouTube. Here’s a 1970s Bewitched promo:
Bewitched Season 8 ABC Promo:
(Video no longer available)
Bewitched Season 8 “New Night” Promo:
(Video no longer available)
(Thanks YouTube poster BewitchedCollector *Note: account no longer exists)
…and what a series it was
Yes, indeed! Thanks for stopping by. =)