The September 24, 1971 issue, of LIFE Magazine ran a photo story featuring rock stars posing with their parents. has put a collection of shots online and I invite you to explore it. The images, taken by John Olson, are insightful and not the usual rock star fare. It’s hard to play it cool when you’re hanging out with Mom.

Frank Zappa with dad Francis and mom Rosemarie, 1970. (John Olson—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

Eric Clapton with Grandmother Rose, 1970. (John Olson—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

Elton John with mum Sheila and her husband Fred, 1970. (John Olson—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

David Crosby with his Oscar-winning cinematographer father, Floyd, 1970. (John Olson—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

The Jackson 5 with parents, Joe and Katherine, 1970. (John Olson—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)
You can view the entire collection at